5 Safety Tips for Boating During Memorial Day Weekend

Memorial Day weekend is one of the busiest times of the year on the water–and rightfully so! It marks the unofficial start to the summer, so there are plenty of ways to take advantage of your boat this holiday weekend–including tubing, water skiing, or simply going for a leisurely ride. 

But, given how crowded the boat ramps and waterways can get during Memorial Day, there are some essential safety tips you should keep in mind. 

1. Avoid Peak Hours & Locations

Choosing the right time of day to go boating over the holiday weekend can make the experience a lot less hectic and less prone to accidents. If you can, try to avoid heading out during the peak busy hours over the holiday weekend. This means you might want to take a cruise in the morning hours rather than the afternoon. 

This also applies to where you’re boating, too. So if you want to celebrate Memorial Day on your boat, try to find locations that don’t tend to be as busy so you can keep yourself and your passengers as safe as possible. 

2. Re-Assess Your Safety Gear

Before you head out on the water, check all your safety gear and equipment to make sure it’s all in good condition. Plus, you’ll want to ensure you have enough life jackets for everyone you bring on board. 

Especially over a holiday, you may be taking more people out on the water than usual. So, keep this in mind as you do your safety check, and ensure everyone knows how to find their life vest and use it if needed. 

3. Drive Slower

Even if you’re a seasoned boater, you’ll want to go slower than normal on a holiday like Memorial Day. People tend to flock to the water on holidays like Memorial Day, 4th of July, and Labor Day, including people who may not be familiar with water safety and best practice. 

So, be extra cautious of the extra people around you, which you can do with slow and attentive driving while on the water. 

4. Consume Alcohol Responsibly

It can be tempting to imbibe alcoholic beverages over a holiday. But, overindulgence can lead to distracted driving, accidental collisions, and worse. To avoid any adverse occurrences, opt to stay sober this Memorial Day if you’ll be at the helm of the boat. 

All other passengers on board should drink in moderation, as many safety concerns can arise when people are intoxicated on the water. Put differently, excess drinking and safe boating simply don’t mix. 

5. Don’t Overload Your Boat

Memorial Day weekend is a fun time to meet up with friends and family to enjoy the warming weather and welcome in the summertime. However, you’ll want to stick to your boat’s weight capacity for safety reasons. Make sure you only take as many people, coolers, and other gear as your boat is designed to support. Otherwise, you could be at risk of capsizing it!

BoatingBoating safetyMemorial dayMemorial day weekend